What is life?

Utkarsh Singh
4 min readNov 9, 2020

Ever wondered what actually are we living for? Everything we are putting our work in is worthy of it or not? Are we right to follow our passion or should we have taken the safe harbour and have lived happily with our family giving most of the time to them and enjoying every ounce of that moment? What is passion? What is satisfaction and more importantly, what is life? If you have, then rest assured because I have been asking the same questions since last two years and today we’ll ponder over all the things we could make sense of from our daily lives and find the answers together.

Image of a guy standing on a water body, absorbing and enjoying the mesmerizing view
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Going through life

Whether we are enjoying it or not we all go through our lives one day at a time. Well, the thing is why? Why do we keep on living even though it hurts? Because of hope, the hope that everything will be fine. Hope that the next day will be much more exciting than the previous and all the problems will go away. Our close ones will be with us, happy and satisfied. The thought of one day being able to provide everything they desired to them and what we desired to ourselves is what keeps us going. So in such a scenario couldn’t we agree that life is HOPE.

Does it matter if we follow our passion, goal, karma or wishes when in the end all we want is to our desires be fulfilled?

The intentional living

Life is not just about going with the flow and adaptations it is much more than that. It is sometimes the brave part of us asks us to snatch the happiness of our share or just bend the reality to accommodate our dreams. Those might sound awesome thoughts but are they really practical? I would like to believe it is.

Think of a morning you woke and while moving in the home you slipped and fell, hurting your knee. Well, the thing is you’re hurt and like any of us, you might swear a word or two. What is more important is the mindset that comes after that. You can feel bad about the thing for the entire day and believe that you have a bad day or you could just say that “It's fine! sometimes humans fall.” and carry on your great mindset for the rest of the day. I would let you people be the judge who will have a better and a more exciting day ahead.

The thought here is to take control of your life. Be aware of the things happening and take notes.

A lady sits on the mountains with a beautiful view in front of her
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

So is life all about CONTROL? Let’s see…

Satisfaction, a myth?

Yeah, I get it satisfaction is not a myth… or is it? Guessing is a major part of human behaviour, we do it unintentionally and almost at every phase of life. When we see something or are about to experience something we kind of create a mental bar of the amount of emotional push we would receive from the situation, sometimes we do that for physical experiences too. The mental bars that we have, act as the binary evaluator of the situation. If the bars are crossed we are satisfied, if not then we are not satisfied. With each iteration, we just keep on adjusting our mental bars and after a few iterations, the same things no longer give us the exact satisfaction as they used to give earlier the guess game is over and we know what to expect of the situation if there is no element of surprise.

Satisfaction is the demon we all keep on pursuing but is it all there is? Is life just about SATISFACTION?

The pursuit of Passion

Passion is something we love doing and can become a way to feed our family too. I know that isn’t all about passion but I could only think of that, you people be better to judge of what passion is for you. Nevertheless, Passion in turn gives up happiness, the joy of living and fame in the long run or at least satisfaction. We as human beings always find the thing that gives us the sense of adventure, joy and that dopamine rush that no other thing can. But move too much to the passion side and you would lose ties with your close ones and that can’t be good for anyone I believe. So what we get out of it is life is all about BALANCE. Balancing passion and family time gives us happiness, satisfaction and the joy of living.

A person writing on a white paper and a coffee is there on the desk.
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

But what is life then?

Well in words of Lord Budhha himself life is STRUGGLE. It could be about our passion, the balance, the intentional living or what we feel like. But the core of all this can be linked back to struggle, we could like the struggle or just hate it. This choice of ours to either like or hate the struggle creates all the difference whether one likes their life or not.

But I always loved this question to be open-ended. Decide for yourself what your life is for, what you stand for? Maybe your life is all about legacy or an example. Decide, live, conquer do whatever you wish to do while keeping the balance. Just love the struggle, call it to hustle and rule over it because

life is meant to be lived more than to be questioned



Utkarsh Singh

Utkarsh Singh is a Machine Learning Engineer and a web developer pursuing his final year Bachelors in CSE. He is an avid reader and an enthusiastic writer.